Sunday, June 15, 2014

Spaghetti squash

I loved this when I made this so I thought I would share.
~preheat to 450°
~Cut the the squash in half and take one drop of oregano, basil and rosemary in the center of each half. Put the two halves cut side down on a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil. 
~ bake for 35 minutes then take out to cool. 

You may choose to cook your ground turkey while this is in the oven, totally optional.

~ once the squash is cool enough to touch , take a fork and scrape out the insides into a bowl. They will be stringy like noodles. Add sauce of your choice along with ground turkey.

Prom hair

Here are some pictures of prom/dance hair I've done over the years.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weight loss

This is a year difference
Before: (left) Ate wheat breads & pasta, processed food, occasionally fast food. Never made time to cook. At my heaviest after my car accident.
After: (right) real food, prepping all my meals myself 90% of the time/10% gluten free pizza or burger or cheetos.

I   have also been taking Doterra essential oils daily. Lemon, lavender, and peppermint in a capsule. I also alternate with slim and sassy oil.
I just want to motivate others to take their health seriously. It's very hard in this fast passed world we live in to slow down and savor every moment. It took me a long time to figure out how to take care of me. I'm just so glad that I have my oils to make life easier.