Going through pictures to see some changes. I had forgotten how red my face was getting. I was getting broken capillaries on my cheeks and then they started on my nose! I was able to cover it up for the most part but it was getting worse and worse. This finally started going away when I made my lifestyle change and add Doterra products into my life. My lifestyle change was going gluten free once I found out that Celiac disease was hereditary and ran in my family. Then I took it a step further to just stop eating processed foods all together. At first I ate very clean; nothing processed. Then I realized it was very hard for me to sustain over a long period of time. I still stay with 100% gluten free, but I allow some gluten free cookies or chips in there sometimes. I prep all my meals ahead of time because that is the only way I can do it.
I'm currently using the verage skin care line at night. Taking the Lifelong Vitality Pack everyday along with slim and sassy soft gels. I also drink peppermint or lemon water at least once a day to keep my PH balanced I'm so impressed with how well I feel and look! You have to start with the inside if you want to fix the outside!
I'm currently using the verage skin care line at night. Taking the Lifelong Vitality Pack everyday along with slim and sassy soft gels. I also drink peppermint or lemon water at least once a day to keep my PH balanced I'm so impressed with how well I feel and look! You have to start with the inside if you want to fix the outside!
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