Saturday, March 29, 2014

journey to health

before  and during
       With the help of my essential oils I've been able to make better food choices and begin my journey to health. I found out gluten was making me sick so I stopped eating it. But is still ate processed foods for a few more months to help with the transition. I would still eat gluten free chips, cookies, and breads. Then I realized there were a lot of unnecessary ingredients in "foods" I was eating. So I started preparing everything I ate and drank my essential oils in my water to start. I started with the peppermint and lemon alternating which made me drink more ph balanced water throughout the day.
       Before I knew it, 7 months had gone by and I had dropped 25 lbs! I was pretty miserable with all sorts of aches and pains. But things are looking up! I'm still on my journey to health but this is a good pit stop.

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